Wow- 2023, what a year that was! To be honest, when it began I had absolutely no idea where I would end up 12 months later… I probably wouldn’t have believed it even if I had been told what was to come. January was supposed to be the beginning but it felt more like the end of an era...
Hey there, wonderful moms-to-be! As a doula I regularly remind parents to be that they have a plethora of options available to them for their care in pregnancy, labour and beyond and that each and every decision to be made about that care is theirs and theirs alone to make. But when faced with so...
Why creating a birthing team is so important, how a doula can be a valuable asset to your birth plan and how to go about choosing the right doula for you!...
The changing challenges of parenting and finding a positive way forward using mindfulness and co-regulation strategies....
What does birth doula support look like, when does it start and end, what does it include. This blog contains all the answers to these questions and so much more....
Hello and welcome to the first entry in my brand new:The Dragonfly Doula Blog! I would really like this Blog to be a space where I can share more detail on the many and varied topics that I post about on my social media pages so that I can go into greater depth than is possible on a post with a...