
Emma & Robin (Hypnobirthing Workshop & Walking Group)

We booked a hypnobirthing workshop with Natalie for our second child as I found I wasn’t using breathing techniques effectively, or at all, in my first labour. The session was really informative and helped us to feel prepared. My husband particularly found it useful as during labour he felt like he had a role and was fantastic at reminding me of the breathing techniques! Our daughter Darcy was born within 5 hours using the breathing techniques throughout.

Since Darcy's arrival I have joined Natalie's Frimley Green Postnatal Wellbeing Walking Group and have found it very friendly, supportive and welcoming.

Thank you Natalie, for being, and continuing to be so kind, caring and a great listener! You listened so carefully to our first birth story and really supported us with achieving the second birth we wanted. Thanks so much Natalie!

  • Breastfeeding picture for Kanika's testimonial.JPG
  • Natalie Donald

KP- (Breastfeeding Preparation & Follow-up visits)

I feel the support I received, in preparation for breastfeeding and after my baby's arrival, was great!

Natalie was very warm, understanding and very approachable at all times; during our antenatal sessions, via WhatsApp and during follow-up home visits.

She has made my breastfeeding journey a lot easier than I expected and made me feel confident about the prospect of breastfeeding, even before my baby arrived.

Bethan (Hypnobirthing Workshop)

Natalie, I just wanted to drop you a quick message to let you know that Baby E was born on Monday!

We had a few twists along the way since our workshop with you- further growth concerns which resulted in an elective c-section turned natural birth in hospital. Throughout we used our best decision making skills and hypnobirthing level heads to end up with a very smooth 1hr 43 min labour with our wishes respected and a natural 3rd stage. No tears and a perfectly happy baby who is fairly small at 6lb 5oz but very healthy.

Thank you so much for doing the workshop with us, working with you really reminded me that I had options regardless of the route we went down!

Natalie and Family- (Postnatal Doula Support)

We can’t thank Natalie enough for the postnatal support she provided to me and my young family. During those first six weeks, Natalie‘s guidance and support has been invaluable and I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without her.

I had a caesarean section and during my recovery, Natalie supported myself and my newborn along with caring for my two young children, ages 5 & 2 years. She helped with breastfeeding advice, cooking and prepping meals, school runs and everything else in between.

Natalie has a wonderful nature and is such a calming presence in our home. My children and I adore her and we can’t wait to work with her again in the future.

Thank you so much, The Donald family x

Lauren & Ollie (Hypnobirthing & Birth Doula Support)

Words cannot thank Natalie enough for being part of our birth team. My birth couldn't have gone better and I firmly believe that the support, knowledge and confidence that she gave me allowed me to have such a positive experience!

I felt strong and empowered to birth my baby the way I wanted and to push the hospital to follow and support my plans. That was all down to the confidence Natalie gave me!

It was an incredible birth, one I am so proud to share- so thank you!

Avneet- (Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop with postnatal follow-up support)

Natalie was amazing and I would recommend her to anyone who wants to breastfeed. She helped assist me with tongue tie issues within the first week of giving birth and then visited to follow up to see how I was doing post division.

The first week of feeding was very difficult but with Natalie’s support I have achieved a successful latch and painless breastfeeding - without her I might have actually given up breastfeeding. And, she was available for any ad hoc calls and questions - would highly recommend!

Sammy & Spencer (Night Doula Support)

Where do I even begin?

Natalie came to the rescue when it was really needed! We had just hosted for the holidays and had family around and I could feel something viral lingering. The day everyone left I fell terribly ill! And, as is always the way, it was the day my hubby would be going away for work for 3 nights too.

I have a 3.5 year old and a 6 month old, I needed help desperately and so I contacted Natalie. Thank goodness she had availability for a night session as I really needed my rest if I had any hope of coping for two more days of solo parenting!

She arrived with treats in hand and immediately took control- which was such relief. She was amazing! I felt at ease and tried my best to sleep as much as I could while battling with the awful virus. My youngest was more than happy with her cuddles and he fed really well with the expressed bottles too. My milk supply dropped drastically while I was unwell but Natalie was there with encouragement and support through it all.

I am forever grateful for her showing up in my time of need! And, I’ll 100% be using her again! Even when I’m not ill 😉

R & S- (Ad hoc Postnatal Doula Support)

Natalie worked with our family for 2 weeks after she was recommended to us, and we cannot fault her work. She was professional, understanding of our needs and flexible. She very quickly built up a strong rapport with our children, who she was looking after, and they were beaming every day they were with her. We felt utterly at ease leaving them in her care, which is testament to how good she was.

A good few weeks have passed and our children still talk about what they did with Natalie!

Rachel & Erick (Birth & Postnatal Doula Support)

Natalie was a big help to me and my husband before, during, and after the birth of our son late last year. She was a calming influence for me throughout, and a great source of help, advice, and information.

As parents without family around to help, the post-partum doula services were especially helpful to us, as was her willingness to help us with any questions we had via a WhatsApp chat she set up for us early on.

Thank you for everything, Natalie!

Emily & Laurence - (Birth Doula Support)

 I am so glad that we got in contact with Natalie about being our birth doula, having initially been uncertain about whether we needed one. Without her we wouldn't have had our calm, empowered home birth.

At our first meeting Natalie gathered a detailed summary of my last birth and familiarised herself with our home waterbirth plans. This enabled her to give very personalised support.

Her support during the birth itself was invaluable. She arrived in less than 30 mins, having had an inkling I would go into labour that night. I felt instantly calmer when Natalie arrived and as she supported me to use the hypnobirthing techniques I had learned. I was desperate to get in the birth pool and she threw herself into setting it up without any instructions. Laurence had planned to do this but wasn't able to on the night due to being really ill with tonsillitis! As she was working on the pool set up she popped in and out offering reassurance, particularly whilst I was going through transition. She held the space for me, so that I could focus entirely on birthing. She also liaised with the labour line on our behalf, and respected my wishes to leave this until I was ready. 

After the birth she transformed our birthing space (living room, bathroom, bedroom) back into our home with no sign anyone had given birth there at all. We had a debrief a few days after the birth, which was lovely in itself, and she also brought the most amazing breast feeding snacks.

I would absolutely recommend Natalie as your birth doula!

Lisa (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation 1-1)

I had heard great things about hypnobirthing from friends but I was a little sceptical about whether it would work for us or be our ‘sort of thing’. I found Natalie’s details, read some of her testimonials and decide to reach out. As soon as we had our first intro call I knew I wanted to go ahead and I knew that Natalie was the instructor for us!

As a first time mum everything was new to me and I found Natalie and the course to be a moment of calm in every week. Natalie is reassuring, the course is informative and together it gave me the confidence and the tools I was looking for in order to have a positive frame of mind going into birth. 

Natalie has remained a trusted contact and continues her support. She is someone I’d never hesitate to lean on for further family support and advice. I’m also really looking forward to joining her Postnatal Wellbeing Walking group and meeting other mums once my little one finds a bit more of a routine!

I would recommend Natalie to anyone without hesitation! 

F&J Wright - (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation 1-1)

Natalie was an invaluable support during our pregnancy. As it was our first baby we were feeling apprehensive but Natalie shared useful knowledge, techniques for keeping calm and answered all our questions, making us feel much more informed and prepared for birth.

The Little Birth company course that Natalie delivered was beneficial for both of us as parents, and we called upon the things we learned during the birth of our son.

Natalie has a calm, professional and caring demeanour that puts you instantly at ease. If you feel you may benefit from extra 1-1 support for pregnancy and birth, we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her!

Bridget, Valerio & Valentino (Postnatal Doula Support)

Having Natalie’s help when my second son was born was invaluable. She came into the house and instinctively knew what I needed… which was often just telling me to sit down and she would get a drink, put the wash out, do the hoovering etc.

She was great with my older son who got very excited when she arrived each day, wanting to have her read endless books or ‘help’ her with the washing. This enabled me to concentrate on caring for my newborn or alternatively she took care of the baby whilst I spent some much needed time playing 1-1 with my 2 year old.

As I had a planned c-section I knew that I would need help after the birth, with having a 2 year old as well as a newborn, but more than the physical help I hadn’t anticipated how much I would need the emotional support as well. Natalie was always there to listen to the highs and lows, offering advice or just adding her support.

Thank you Natalie- we couldn’t have done it without you!

Nikki & Rob - (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation 1-1)

We wanted to let you know that baby River arrived safely into the world on 8th January. My waters broke on 7th January and contractions started but did not progress. The hospital was anxious to induce because of the risk of infection and unfortunately this also meant our desired water birth was no longer considered a safe option. After weighing up the risks and benefits of leaving it a few more days we decided to go ahead with an induction. I was already 2cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital so we went straight in with the hormone drip and I laboured naturally using gas and air and TENS machine. I couldn’t have done it without the breathing techniques and the guided relaxation tracks from our course. Despite the change of plans we were still able to dim the lights, use calming lavender room spray, battery tealights and borrow the Birth Centre's atmospheric frog sound tracks and mood lighting. Rob was a fantastic birth partner who kept me hydrated and calm and advocated for me when we needed to make tough decisions, just like we discussed during the course.

Thank you so much for all your help and guidance in the run up to River's birth. We couldn’t have done it without you and feel so lucky to have had such a positive experience despite the unplanned intervention. 

Andy & Rich (Post Adoption Support)

We brought home our adopted son, Baby J, at just under 4 weeks old.  Learning on the job is full of the fear factor and worrying 'are you doing a good job?'.  Natalie was amazing, supporting us with guidance, advice and encouragement.  Even going so far as to do some ironing and washing up for us so that we could spend time bonding with Baby J and came with us to support during his first immunisations, such a god send.  We never felt any of our questions or worries were silly or insignificant, Natalie put us totally at ease.

Not only were we learning how to look after our new baby son but also working on building that strong attachment that natural parents start building during pregnancy and those early days with their newborn.  Natalie understood this additional dynamic and helped keep us sane through this difficult process.  I didn’t even realise that I was struggling mentally 2 months in but Natalie noticed and gently pointed it out, helping me and us as a couple with how to make some minor changes that would help me and in turn our new little family.

As an LGBT+ new family we felt completely supported and encouraged by Natalie.  We are eternally grateful to have had her on our side and to help us through those first few difficult months.

Chrissie & Greg - (Postnatal Doula Support)

We just wanted you to know, how important your role has been in helping us settle into parenthood.

We asked for a calming influence, and that's exactly what we got. You do a wonderful job of gracefully gliding into a day, helping out and gliding out again, leaving everything calmer (and more organised) in your wake. We will forever be grateful for your positive influence in our lives as we learned to find our feet.

Sylwia (Birth Doula Support)

I was looking for a doula support because I wanted extra support, especially during the first stages of labour.

Natalie was my rock during the whole birth experience. Every memory I have, from the beginning of my labour to the end, is a positive one and she is a big part of that. Her calm presence was strengthening and reassuring.

She did her best to understand my needs and wishes every time we met and she was my advocate when things didn’t exactly go as I had hoped.

I feel nothing but gratitude for her support and If I ever have another baby, I would ask her to support me again!

Edith & Seb - (Postnatal Doula Support)

I was keen to have postnatal support to help me with my twins, in particular as I was keen to establish breastfeeding with both of them. I was conscious that I was going to need help to achieve my goal, in particular as I don’t have any family living nearby.

Having Natalie’s support since the boys' arrival has been extremely valuable. Not only to have that extra pair of hands but also the expertise and experience that she brings when it comes to looking after new mums (in this case me!).

Natalie made sure that I ate well (she cooked some very yummy food), she also helped with the mountains of laundry that come with having a family of 5 and helped me to keep the kitchen and living areas tidy. Most importantly, she made sure that I had some rest and that I was well 'mentally' too.

I always looked forward to Natalie's visits - I knew she would bring calmness to my chaotic days and that I would get the much needed support I was longing for. My babies absolutely adore Natalie, spending hours cuddling up to her in a sling, going on walks or simply having a play and a giggle together.

I would strongly recommend Natalie to anyone who is looking for post natal support - I feel very lucky and honoured that Natalie decided to work with me and I am extremely grateful for the friendship that we have developed over the last few months!

A & N Mahmood (Full Course Hypnobirth and Birth Preparation & Birth Doula Support)

During my pregnancy I had a lot of fear around birth and I wanted to make sure that I had prepared myself emotionally and practically. After looking at Natalie's website I felt that she would be 'right' for me so we booked to do the full hypnobirthing course with her. After the course we felt much more prepared but I felt that having birth doula support would help me cope better during labour. Luckily for us Natalie was available for our due date so we booked her to support us in labour as well.

Natalie went above and beyond during my labour and birth to support me and my husband. She supported me well above what I was expecting and I feel that due to her support I remained confident throughout, despite it being a very difficult and long labour. Throughout my labour Natalie provided quality information that was evidence based. She ensured that I had all the information, time and space that I needed so that all the decisions my husband and I made about my care was well considered and I felt fully involved in making the decisions regarding any interventions I needed.

Natalie is a kind and emphatic person who I felt fully cared for and supported me and my husband during one of the most difficult and important moments of our life. Without her support my husband felt that he would have been afraid and may have felt forced into making decisions that we later regretted. 

Postnatally, Natalie checking in with us regularly and signposted us to any information we needed to help us make the right decisions for us and our duaghter. We would definitely recommend birth doula support from Natalie!

Alex - (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Workshop)

Thank you so much Natalie for coming to my home to deliver the Hypnobirth and Birth Preparation Workshop for me and my husband. It was really useful to spend this time focusing on the upcoming birth of our second child and it was also really reassuring knowing that there is lots that I can do to prepare and stay relaxed.

Going through the role of the birth partner and what they can do to help during labour was fantastic and now my husband feels much more involved. It was also great to be reminded of all the key principles of hypnobirthing. I particularly loved the guided relaxation session that you led at the end.

Thank you for adapting our workshop to make it individual to our needs. Making time to show us the biomechanics for birth exercises too was great- let’s hope they can help get our baby moving into a better position for birth! 

Update following the birth of Alex's baby boy:

I decided that I was happy to be induced on my due date (as my previous baby was so big). Following 2 days in antenatal before much happened, when the contractions started the labour flew by and our baby boy was born less than 4 hours later! Just a bit of gas and air and lots of breathing and I was only pushing for about 20 mins!

So Thankyou, all the hypnobirthing really helped! And my recovery has been a million times better than the first time. I’m so glad I got a simple natural birth, it was a much better experience and very empowering. 

Timea & Zoltan (Positive Cesarean Workshop & Postnatal Doula Support)

During my pregnancy I developed Tokophobia and I was worried that the anxiety I had may affect bonding and that I may find looking after my newborn baby too much of a challenge for me with only my partner's support. As we are not originally from the UK we don't have access to any other help, and we decided that help from a doula to help us practically and emotionally. I was also keen to have some company during daytime when my partner was working so that I wasn't alone too long and I was hoping that any mental health issues e.g. post-natal depression or anxiety would be picked up quicker by having doula support.

Natalie is empathic and responds instictively to the atmosphere in our home when she arrives each day. She is amazing with our baby and she seems to find the right way to connect with him. Watching her with Finley and seeing how gentle she is with him has always been a delight and helped me relax during the difficult days as I knew my baby was in good hands. 

Natalie is easy to get on with, and she is very knowledgeable. Shehas a way of sharing her knowledge with ease without me feeling like I am being lectured. She is also ready to admit if there is something that she isn't familiar with and will go away and research it, sharing the information she finds with me so that I can make my own decision on what to do. I have always felt that Natalie is genuinely interested in supporting me as an individual, that I matter and I value this greatly. 

I would definitely have Natalie as our post-natal doula if I were to have another baby. Having a newborn changes everything and having support adjusting to these changes in a way that is individual to me is the biggest help I can imagine; it is priceless.

Kirsty- (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course & Birth Doula Support)

As a solo first time mum, the support that Natalie provided me during both my pregnancy and labour was invaluable. She was so reassuring and supportive, providing a sounding board to help me make decisions about my birth choices and this included attending consultant appointments with me. 

I also completed the full hypnobirthing and birth preparation course with Natalie, over four weeks, which I found incredibly helpful and relaxing, and it gave me some brilliant meditation and breathing techniques to use in labour. She also came to do some great sessions with me to help try and turn my baby when she was breech, as well as showing me some exercises I could do on my own too. 

Natalie was on hand throughout my induction and labour to help while away the hours of waiting and keeping me calm and focused during labour. She made sure that my wishes were respected and that my birth experience was in line with what we had discussed, even though things didn't go quite to plan as I might have hoped. 

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Natalie to anyone looking for a doula, booking her support has been one of the best decisions I have made! 

Sarah (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course)

I can honestly say I would recommend Natalie to anyone to help prepare for their birthing journey. After having been through two labours already, I assumed I was a pro by now and that I couldn’t learn much more, but how wrong was I?! Natalie’s sessions were so informative to both myself and also my partner, they were delivered in a simple way and really helped us to understand the different concepts of hypnobirthing and reasoning behind the path that labour takes. This knowledge was the foundation of preparing us for the perfect birth of our son.

From the experience of my two previous births I had some anxieties in my pregnancy knowing what was to come. Natalie’s kind and caring manner made us feel relaxed during the sessions and she listened through our personal apprehensions, which were then discussed. The breathing and relaxation techniques we learnt in the sessions were amazing and when the time came for the arrival of our baby, he was welcomed into the world with no medical intervention just two relaxed parents remembering the guidance of what Natalie had taught us.

The understanding of labour we both got from the course really helped us to understand what was happening at certain points during the birth, which meant we were relaxed at points where we may have been otherwise concerned. We also developed a clear understanding of the direction we wanted to go with the birth, which we may not have thought about in so much detail. I genuinely believe that if we had not had the sessions I would not have had such a smooth and positive birth. Thank you so much Natalie!

Mike- Sarah's partner (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course)

We would like to thank Natalie for helping us plan for the birth of our son. It was my partner who signed us up for the sessions, so I was a bit apprehensive at first as I didn’t think that as a dad I would get anything from the sessions, but was happy to go along with it anyway to support my partner.


The sessions were great, really informative and not only reminded us what would happen during labour but also explained why things were happening at certain points during the birth. It really made us think about what was to come, as a couple, rather than just my partner having her individual thoughts. That made me feel a part of the birth and it got us talking about our expectations, concerns and ideas. I think the course really brought us together and helped when it came to the day, as we were much more prepared, which helped us to have a smooth and positive birth.

I would thoroughly recommend any prospective dads to try hypnobirthing, it was so beneficial to really understand the process and from a father’s point of view I could really help and support my partner during the birth rather than being just one of those guys sitting on the side and hoping for the best.

Chloe (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course)

Before my course with Natalie I was absolutely terrified about giving birth and I was set on having an epidural for pain relief as soon as possible. After just one session discussing Hypnobirthing I felt so much calmer and much more prepared for what's to come!

After completing the sessions I felt ready and EXCITED for labour, which is something I never thought I would feel. My partner and I learned a lot from our sessions and felt really positive- all thanks to Natalie!

I would highly recommend Natalie to anyone thinking about Hypnobirthing or feeling nervous about labour and early parenthood, she is very knowledgeable and she made us feel so confident and empowered.

Richa (Birth Doula Support)

Everyone has a story and mine isn’t the most perfect one but I can strongly say that I had the most perfect person beside me during one of my most difficult times. My name is Richa and I am 34 years old, I was going to be a second time mother to my precious daughter Zara. After the first emergency caesarean delivery of my son I decided to have a VBAC delivery with my daughter and I was very determined about that. We decided to have a doula who would assist me during the VBAC delivery and we decided to go for Natalie as soon as we read her profile and we were even more sure when we met her.

Natalie was so reassuring and respected my wishes and assured me of her full support with my choices and decisions. During my early labour, while I waited at home, Natalie was in regular contact with me- be it day or night, she gave helpful suggestions to make the labour easier and more bearable. She not only reminded me to embrace the contractions, as they are going to bring me closer to seeing my child, but also advised on how I could manage the pain with meditation, birthing ball, positions, massage, bath etc.

During my hospital stay Natalie came to be with me as soon as I informed her I had been admitted and she did not leave my side, she gave me the moral strength that I needed to continue with my decision and I was able to manage the pain without medication. It was like having the most faithful companion by my side, we shared our life experiences and our future plans and all this made the most painful time go by so quick. All I remember now is our conversations and not the pain to be honest.

Natalie made sure I understood what the midwifes and doctors were explaining at all times and was very respectful of them. When the final time came and I had to make the unfortunate decision to have another caesarean delivery Natalie supported me and helped me realise that what I was choosing was best for the baby. She was there at all times, like an angel by my side, who was constantly whispering that everything would be fine and that I had tried my best and given my all. I was so lucky that she was the first one to hold our daughter and ensure that I had skin to skin with her immediately. Natalie also came and visited me postnatally, at home, to ensure that my mental well-being was good and to see that Zara was thriving well.

All I can say is that, for me, Natalie was a God send and I couldn’t have asked for a better birthing partner.


Naomi & Bo (Postnatal Doula Support)

When I discovered that I was pregnant with my third child during a global pandemic, my first concern was how I would manage my mental health being home with a newborn and not being able to have visitors. With my first 2 children that first 6 to 12 weeks was a particularly vulnerable time: sleepless nights, new family dynamics, sore nipples, painful recovery. The way I kept sane was to organise to see a different person each day whether that was meeting another mum at the park or having coffee in my pyjamas while somebody cuddled my baby on the sofa. I knew that with my normal support system taken away I would need to find a different kind of support.

Early on in my pregnancy I contacted Natalie and discussed the idea of having weekly postnatal support. This was predominantly for company and a safe non-judgemental and dedicated space to talk through concerns, emotions, experiences etc. But also for practical support such as helping to fold laundry, make beds and cuddle my baby so that I could also get things done and play with my other children.

Natalie is a fabulous doula. She supported me through my pregnancy by staying in contact and asking me about my plans. She gave me the confidence to advocate for a gentle c-section and to request a change of midwife when I felt unsupported and dismissed by the one I was seeing.

Natalie's help in those first 3 months was invaluable, she was respectful of my home and my family. My older children adored her and loved playing games with her and doing fun activities like making fruit kebabs. She provided excellent practical support in the house from providing meals, making beds and even helping me wrap presents for my mum (she did a far better job of that than I would have done).

Most valuable of all was having somebody there fully intent on supporting me. It is so easy for new mums to feel like they fade into the background a bit as their focus is on their new child (and any other children) while everyone who visits is also fixated on the new baby. To have that space to ask for what I needed, to share my concerns, to moan about the hard bits, and to celebrate the wins made all the difference.

I highly recommend Natalie and I am sure that any family choosing to work with her will have an equally supportive and positive childbirth and postnatal journey.

Vicky & Mike- (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course)

Let’s begin at the end…Oliver was born at home, in a warm birthing pool and his first hours were spent in the place where he will grow up, in the arms of his mummy and daddy.

At the beginning of our pregnancy we would never have envisaged that we would have the amazing home birth that we did. We are first time parents and our approach was thar babies were born in hospital.

Then we were fortunate enough to complete a hypnobirthing course with Natalie and this changed everything we thought we knew. We were very open to the idea of hypnobirthing, having embraced fertility acupuncture and ways to reduce stress while we were trying to get pregnant.

Originally we were anticipating a group course but were fortunate enough to end up ‘one to one’, via Zoom, with Natalie Stoker, which we would highly recommend.   We both enjoyed the course immensely and learned a huge amount about the whole pregnancy and birth journey, in particular, all the choices and options that we as parents had open to us that we honestly knew nothing about.

This included the importance of creating the right birthing environment which was continuously emphasised and a great deal of the time was spent learning about how to achieve this.

We were able to do the ‘homework’ together as well as listen to the mp3 recordings about lowering anxiety and having positive mindsets. Doing all of this brought us closer together and my husband found it made him feel as if he had a real role in the birth and he learnt that he was more than just a hand holder.

Working with Natalie was just brilliant. She is extremely knowledgable and honest with her advice and training. As the training went on we found that we had new friend in our lives and were sorry to reach the end of the course, such was our enjoyment of it but also the important part it played in giving us confidence boosts after each session. Natalie even visited us after the birth to meet us and baby Oliver, which was wonderful after having only ever seen each other on line.

When we started our NCT course we really realised how much we had already learned from Natalie and we were both grateful we had done more training than just the NCT course.

Fast forward a few months along in the pregnancy and thanks to the course, we had written a birth plan and had a clear idea of the birthing environment we wanted - comfortable surroundings, low light, as little stress as possible and a water birth.

At our 36 week midwife appointment the midwife surprised us by suggesting we consider a home birth. We were a low risk pregnancy and she thought we were a good couple to go for it. At 36 weeks this was quite a late decision to make but when we talked about it, we realised that what we were hoping to be able to have at the midwife led unit and/or hospital was already in our home. This also echoed everything that we had learned from the hypnobirthing course about managing stress by creating the right birthing environment. A home also meant that we had a greater chance of a water birth as hospitals only have so many pools - ticking off that source of anxiety. Thanks to the hypnobirthing course, we had the confidence to make the decision to go for the home birth and made contact with the home birth midwife team for our area.

And so to the big day itself…on the day of the birth the waters broke at midnight and then we had a few hours while the contractions slowly started. I was able to use the hypnobirthing training straight away, listening to the recordings in bed to help me relax before things started to move along.
By early morning I was in the birthing pool with my husband holding my hand while we went through some of our positive affirmations. We closed the blinds to make the room darker (no lights as it was daylight) and we had cushions, a birthing ball and a sofa covered in sheets so I could change position and get out of the pool if I wanted to - all to keep relaxed. As things progressed I was able to use the breathing techniques we had been taught on the course and my husband was coaching me through the breaths. The final stages of labour were actually quite fast and with the midwife in control and plenty of deep breaths with gas and air our beautiful son was born in the pool and was placed straight into my arms for skin to skin bonding.

Thanks to the course, we knew our birth plan and the midwife had a copy so we were able to do delayed cord clamping and my husband cut the cord when the time was right, he also announced that our baby was a baby boy.

Oliver, his mummy and daddy then spent their first few hours as a family together in their home, cuddling on the sofa. Oliver was able to feed quite quickly and we spent the time just getting to know each other.

The whole home birth was just amazing and it would absolutely not have happened if we had not done the hypnobirthing course. The training gave us such an understanding of what we could do, how we could do it and how important it was that we did things the way we wanted to because of the impact this would have on our birth. The fact that we were able to have things as relaxed and low stress as possible can only have helped make the birth as smooth as it was.

I believe the fact that I was looking forward to the labour and so relaxed about the birth, is what made Oliver come when he was ready at 39+5. I truly trusted my body to give birth to my son when I was ready and trusted my body knew what to do, which it did, all courtesy of our training.

Vicky, Mike & Oliver (Antenatal Breastfeeding Course)

My husband and I did the Hypnobirthing course with Natalie before the birth of our baby boy Oliver in July, which we absolutely loved. After completion of that course, Natalie suggested the mindfulness breastfeeding course to us.

I have always wanted to breastfeed and it’s something I was particularly anxious about, as I found that in general people you speak to tend to give you negative stories in relation to breastfeeding. They talk about mastitis, sore nipples, they would say it’s really painful and people often would advise ‘just switch to formula if you can’t do it’’ but I was really passionate about wanting to breastfeed my baby and I wanted to learn more about it and ultimately be more informed. My husband was also keen to understand more and very supportive of me wanting to breastfeed.

Firstly the course is a great addition to the Hypnobirthing course and follows the same format in terms of power point learning, discussion and mindfulness sessions at the end, which you are given to download and listen to in-between and after the course.

The course explained all about breastfeeding in an easy to understand  way with helpful videos about how a baby should latch and different breastfeeding positions to try. It also covered where you could seek help at the conclusion of the course, if you were having any trouble with  breastfeeding once your baby arrived.

Natalie provided a helpful mindfulness breastfeeding book and lovely gift, which covered everything we had learnt and could be referred to at a later stage. I enjoyed the course immensely as did my husband, learning all about how breastfeeding is a new skill and something that takes practice, which helped us to feel more relaxed and patient in the early weeks.

When our baby Oliver arrived, we managed to breastfeed successfully.
I would say I was very relaxed about it as I was much more knowledgeable having taking the course with Natalie. My husband was also great and supported me to use the techniques we were taught - by taking Oliver to ‘reset’ if he was distracted, not feeding well or distressed. This has really worked well. We also found it really useful to focus on a supportive breastfeeding environment as discussed in the sessions. 

If you want to breastfeed and you want to learn more about how it works and how our bodies are truly amazing, then take this course with Natalie you won’t regret it!

Anya- (Hypnobirth & Birth Preparation Course, Birth & Postnatal Doula Support)

Natalie has been a big part of our lives for the last 6 months. We completed a hypnobirthing course during my third trimester, which was informative, reassuring and extremely useful during the final few weeks of pregnancy and in labour.

Natalie was then our birth doula for the home birth of our son, which was everything we had hoped for. Her practical and emotional support kept us both calm and allowed us to focus on what mattered the most. She dealt with some minor disasters with the birth pool and supported me with such care in the first hours after the birth.

Since then, Natalie has been visiting us weekly for postpartum support, which has been fantastic. Her calm and supportive personality is perfect for the role and she clearly has huge knowledge and experience to back it up. We couldn't recommend her work more.

Theo's Dad (Postnatal Support)

Having a new baby can be very up and down.

One day you think, 'I've got this, we are travelling along nicely'.

The next day something changes unexpectedly and the wheel comes off the wagon!

Then, Natalie would visit and she would help us put the wheel back on the wagon and get us back on track.

Having someone to share the practical and more importantly mental load with has been invaluable since Theo was born.

Harry's Mum- (Postnatal Doula Support)

Natalie came to provide us with postnatal support from 6 weeks old.

Having Natalie's support has meant time and space just for me, at a chaotic time of life where that is a rare commodity!

Having that time and space for a few hours a week (2 x 3 hour sessions) has supported me in being a far calmer and more compassionate mummy in general, during the early months of Harry's life.